Monday, August 31, 2009

September 14th - Park Street Baptist - St. Petersburg

Park Street Baptist is honored to host the September meeting here in St. Petersburg.  We have planned a meeting that we trust will be an encourgagement to you.  Our theme is "Reaching Each Generation."  I have asked three preachersfrom three generations to speak for us.  Brother Leroy Eldridge from Temple Baptist Church in Titusville will represent the old guys. (Sorry Leroy)  Brady Brinson is our middle aged speaker.  By some standards he would be considered one of the young preachers at 44.  He is the son of E. J. Brinson and is just starting a church on the south side of Lakeland.  Tom Hunter represents the young preachers.  Tom is the pastor of Plantation Baptist Church and is doing a great job.  Plan on coming for a great time of fellowship and encouragement.

10:00 - Officer's Meeting
11:30 - Tom Hunter
12:15 - Lunch
1:00 - Business Meeting
1:45 - Brady Brinson
2:30 - Leroy Eldridge

Google Maps Directions
Park Street Baptist Church
3901 Park St. N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33709

From I-275 exit onto 54th Ave N.  and go West. Go 5 miles and 54th will end at Park Street.  Turn left.  The church will be down just past Tyrone Blvd. on the left.

If  you get lost call Pastor Dan Jeffers at 727-432-9958