Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chairman's Report

I trust you have all had good summers so far. Summer is certainly a busy time with camps, children's programs, vacations, missions trips and a host of other things. I am taking our church through the book of Revelation on Sunday mornings. We just finished the message to the seven churches in the first couple of chapters. Can you imagine each church as the mail comes and a manuscript is delivered? Maybe they heard their name might be in it so there is some excitement. Then Ephesus reads about how they did all these great things but "you have lost your first love." As a church they were standing on truth but standing on truth became their first love and not Jesus. Another church is told they were "lukewarm." This comes as a shock because they didn't see that in themselves. They thought that God had been blessing. They had a good congregation with plenty of money in the bank to do ministry. They thought all was well. What a horrible thing to hear that God is sickened by their church. I then inserted the name of Park Street Baptist and imagined, "what would God have to say about us." I know He would have some commendations but would there be a "nevertheless I have somewhat against thee." If I am honest, I would say that there would. Those are the areas I have to be honest with myself as a leader and strengthen. As a Pastor I must seek to identify the areas that we need to work on as a church. Revelation chapter four is just around the corner. It won't be long when we hear the sound of a trumpet. It won't be long until we will be in heaven before the throne of God.
See you in New Port Richie for the August meeting!
Dan Jeffers - Park Street Baptist