Friday, August 2, 2013

Next Meeting - August 12 - Jacksonville

Wanted to send an invite to all the state fellowship folks and trust we will have a good turn-out for the meeting on August 12th.  We will proceed as follows:

10 AM – Officers meeting
11 AM – Evangelist Alan Harris (Connersville, IN)
Noon – Lunch and business meeting
1 PM – Corey Kershner, Missionary to Taiwan
     (Sending Church – Sonshine Baptist, Port Charlotte, FL)
2 PM – Jeremy Lynn, Missionary to Ethiopia
     (Sending Church – First Coast Baptist, Jacksonville, FL)

We look forward to a great time of food, fellowship and challenging messages from these three men and the work that God has called them to.  Please feel free to contact Pastor Edwards (904) 545-9880 if you have any questions or need any additional information concerning this state meeting.