Mrs. Sunshine Report - Volume 1 - January 2011

Ladies, As we begin a new year in our homes and churches, I thought it would be nice to try to stay more connected through our own little newsletter. If you would like to announce or share something with the other ladies in the fellowship, you can email it We would like to hear ideas for ladies groups, Bible studies you have used, banquet ideas, mission’s conference themes, etc. Some of you ladies have “been there, done that” and you are a fountain of knowledge. Some are “new” to the ministry and may have questions or new ideas to share. I know with many of us having jobs and/or children at home it is not always convenient to attend the monthly fellowship meetings. I pray you will try to come as often as possible, but also hope this newsletter will draw us closer in spirit.
May God bless you and your ministry in 2011. Pam Jeffers

(We would like to profile a pastor’s wife each month, so send your information & picture)
I Timothy 1:12 “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry”Check out for some helps to a more creative ladies ministry.
Prayer Requests Bill and Charlotte Bales in Mexico January 14 - 27. Connor Carlson was in hospital with pneumonia. John & Sharon Richardson’s daughter, Becky, will have surgery for breast cancer on January 21st or 28th. Joyce Taylor with the passing of her husband, Bill. ****email your requests to****
The February Meeting is in Jacksonville on Valentine’s Day. It would be great if you and your husband could spend the day at the meeting with friends and the evening together. So check out the area hotels and plan a date.
For God so loVed the world that He gAve His onLy begotten Son, that whosoEver believeth iN Him shall noT perIsh, but have everlastiNg lifE. Won’t you be Mine? -God-