Next Meeting - Grace Pointe Church, Apopka
March 12, 2012
10:00 - Officers meeting in the Green Room
10:15 to 11 am - Refreshments in the Cafe.
11:00 - Worship (Justin Gomez, worship pastor at Grace Pointe)
1st Speaker Ed Trinkle (Life Church of Delaware Co.)
Lunch 12:15 (4 Rivers BBQ Chopped Chicken and Beef Brisket)
1:00 - Worship (Justin Gomez)
1:10 - Unshackled Ministry (John Cozart)
1: 40 - "Intentional Worship" (Justin Gomez with Entertainment Arts)
2:15 - Russel Johnson (IBB)2:45 - Dismissed
2051 W. Lester Rd. Apopka FL 32712
Speaker Bio's
Ed Trinkle

Pastor Ed and Kim Trinkle have been leading LIFE Church since April 2008. They have been married for 26 years and have 4 incredible daughters who are all very active in local church ministry! They are celebrating their 20th year in full time ministry, and are enjoying their new home in Aston, PA. Pastor Ed is an avid Philly sports fan.
John Cozart
Unshackled Ministries reaches out offering help and hope to men, women and families in churches across America who find themselves caught up in pornography's path of destruction.
Justin Gomez

Justin Gomez is the Worship & Generations Pastor of Grace Pointe Church and oversees all Worship, Technology, and Generations Ministries. Grace Pointe Generations Ministries include Four12 Youth and The Search Young Adult Community.
Pastor Justin studied music at Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, AL. Pastor Justin has been Worship Leader, songwriter, and producer for over a decade, and has worked with many artists including John Mandeville and Scott Krippayne.
Justin released his debut album "Be Glorified" in 2010, and is currently working on his sophomore album as well as his first book, "Worship Undignified"scheduled for release Summer 2012.
Pastor Justin was born in Honolulu, HI, and his wife Deanna was born in South Bend, IN. They met in Orlando, FL, and have been married since October of 2003. They have 2 sons and 1 daughter.
Russell Johnson

Russell Johnson was raised in Lima, Peru and grew up along with the mission work of his parents, Dr. Rudy & Lorraine Johnson.
While studying at North Texas State University, he served as associate pastor and minister of music at the Denton Baptist Temple. While there, he met and married Beverly Marshall in 1974. They are the parents of two children: Brenda, who works and ministers at IBB with her husband Francisco and daughter Hannah; and Ryan, along with his wife Sarah and sons Rylan, Nathan and Owen, are preparing to go to London as Missionaries.
After serving for several years in Texas, Russell felt God's leading to use his bilingual abilities to help reach the growing Hispanic population of the United States.
In 1976, the Johnsons moved to Miami to work with a team to establish the Spanish Baptist Bible Institute and the Bible Baptist Church. Today Russell still serves as pastor of IBB, an international church with people from over 28 countries in their congregation.