Next Meeting: August 13th - Crossroads Baptist - St. Cloud FL
It is our honor to host the August 13th meeting of the FBBF at Crossroads Baptist Church in St. Cloud. We are finalizing the details on an exciting meeting and hope each of you will plan on joining us. Our speakers include Dr. Charles J. Brown, former Indiana Pastor and current Staff Evangelist at Winter Haven Baptist Church, & Missionary Ryan Jones, Associate Director for Asia with Manna Worldwide. In addition to the speakers and normal business we will have an open discussion time concerning outreach, what is and is not working in today's culture.
This is my first time hosting a meeting, don't let me down 
Jay McCaig.

Jay McCaig.
Church address: 3797 Edsel Ave, St. Cloud, FL 34772 (if you think you are lost, you're almost here)
Officers meeting at 10am and the general meeting will start at 11am, with lunch at noon and we should be done around 2:30.