Volume 5
Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights. ~Pauline R. Kezer
All of us have been through change - some good; some not so good. We've changed locations, jobs, churches. Some changes are necessary; some are unexpected. It is not always an easy thing to deal with, but how we deal with it will tell a lot about us. Do we accept change gracefully or do we go down kicking and screaming? I have recently started working outside the church (been working outside the home for a while) and it has been a challenge and a big adjustment. There are so many things I miss - the flexibility of working with my husband and being able to leave early to go pick up my grandchildren. I will miss being at the monthly meetings to be with you ladies, too. But I have accepted (almost) the inevitable and pray that as I enter this new mission field I will show the love of Christ to my new co-workers. Pam
I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home. Born in SC, I moved from GA to TN and then settled in Central FL at the age of 10. I trusted Christ as my Savior at age 5 and was baptized at age 12. As a teenager I dedicated myself to the Lord to do whatever He wanted of me. And the thing I wanted most of all, even when I was young, was to become the wife of a pastor or a missionary and to become a mother. And being the planner that I am, my plan was - graduate high school, go to college to receive my MRS, begin a family, support my husband and encourage my children, etc. But God had a plan - graduate high school, lean on Him, graduate from college, trust in His timing, teach elementary students, learn His lessons. I met my husband, Scott, when he became my Youth Pastor in 1990. We began dating after I came home from college and started my teaching career in 2001. He, at the time, had become the Assistant Pastor and had taken over the College and Career class (conveniently!). We married the following year. After the first few years of enjoying each other's company we knew that children should start coming into the equation, but none came. Because of our deep desire to have children, we believed that God had plans for our family to expand, so we continued to look toward Him and seek His plan. Just when we thought the door was opening, He shut it and said, "not this way". After a few early miscarriages, we sought medical help. After a few more miscarriages, we bagan researching adoption. This May, we celebrated our 9th anniversary and we have enjoyed 9 wonderful months with our two little boys, Clavin and Connor who were born in 2010.
God has blessed us immensely, above and beyond our comprehension and we are so grateful!! Looking back, I think I know why God took me down this path, opening and closing doors. I am a planner; I like having the path lined out step by step and brightly lit. Yet this way leaves no opening to trust God, to see His grace or to receive His blessings. God is also a planner and such a better planner that I. One thing I have learned, yet continually need to be reminded of, is a verse in Isaiah. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord." (Is. 55:8)
***Our meeting will be July 11 in Altamonte Springs. Rebecca has planned a ladies meeting
with special guest Traci Williams, missionary to Turkey. Make plans to be at the meeting.***

***Our meeting will be July 11 in Altamonte Springs. Rebecca has planned a ladies meeting
with special guest Traci Williams, missionary to Turkey. Make plans to be at the meeting.***
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